FIFA ranking - world ranking of all participants of the European Championship 2024

This page contains the FIFA ranking of all participating countries of the European Championship 2024. The FIFA ranking is the official ranking of football countries, published by the world football association.

England is 5th in the world ranking.

World ranking of European Championship participants

# Country Points
3 France France 1.823,39
4 Belgium Belgium 1.781,30
5 England England 1.774,19
6 Netherlands Netherlands 1.740,92
7 Croatia Croatia 1.727,62
8 Italy Italy 1.723,56
9 Portugal Portugal 1.702,54
10 Spain Spain 1.692,71
12 Switzerland Switzerland 1.655,02
14 Germany Germany 1.646,91
18 Denmark Denmark 1.608,11
22 Poland Poland 1.559,83
23 Sweden Sweden 1.558,45
26 Ukraine Ukraine 1.536,99
28 Wales Wales 1.530,28
29 Serbia Serbia 1.526,46
34 Austria Austria 1.497,24
36 Hungary Hungary 1.493,33
38 Czech Republic Czech Republic 1.490,61
42 Scotland Scotland 1.476,94
43 Norway Norway 1.475,05
44 Turkey Turkey 1.465,38
48 Ireland Ireland 1.438,59
51 Greece Greece 1.433,59
52 Romania Romania 1.432,64
54 Slovakia Slovakia 1.425,58
56 Finland Finland 1.405,71
57 Bosnia Herz. Bosnia Herz. 1.403,51
59 Northern Ireland Northern Ireland 1.396,55
62 Slovenia Slovenia 1.389,06
63 Iceland Iceland 1.380,35
65 Macedonia Macedonia 1.355,28
66 Albania Albania 1.353,03
69 Montenegro Montenegro 1.339,15
71 Bulgaria Bulgaria 1.336,71
76 Israel Israel 1.315,67
78 Georgia Georgia 1.305,98
92 Luxembourg Luxembourg 1.245,35
95 Armenia Armenia 1.231,76
97 Belarus Belarus 1.221,68
107 Kosovo Kosovo 1.187,03
109 Estonia Estonia 1.186,27
110 Cyprus Cyprus 1.185,17
115 Kazakhstan Kazakhstan 1.163,09
121 Azerbaijan Azerbaijan 1.151,82
123 Faroe Islands Faroe Islands 1.146,31
133 Latvia Latvia 1.116,96
144 Lithuania Lithuania 1.069,12
153 Andorra Andorra 1.031,13
167 Malta Malta 978,95
174 Moldova Moldova 958,88
198 Liechtenstein Liechtenstein 859,84
200 Gibraltar Gibraltar 858,04
211 San Marino San Marino 763,15

The full world ranking can be found on the FIFA website.

Date published: 20-02-2023 | Date updated: 16-08-2023 | Author:

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The FIFA ranking of all participating countries of the European Championship 2024. The FIFA ranking is the official ranking of football countries, published by the world football association.

About the author of 'FIFA ranking - world ranking of all participants of the European Championship 2024'

Patrick (author and webmaster)

Author of this content is Patrick. I have been playing soccer for more than 25 years and follow the daily news closely. My hobbies include playing football, running and maintaining various websites, in addition to my job as a financial professional.

I do not work for any related company or institution, so the information is reliable and independent. The information has been collected accurately from reliable sources and is regularly updated.